Tips for Effective Communication with Adults on Autism Spectrum


It can be very challenging to communicate with a family member, co-worker, or neighbor on the autism spectrum. However, you can always find ways to communicate clearly with them, and while they may not have the same social and language skills, healthcare in Yeadon, Pennsylvania lists down the general guideline of communicating with adults on the autism spectrum:

  • Always address them as adults, not children
    Never assume that the other person has limited cognitive skills as their disability may be more focused on the language than that of comprehension. That is, they may be able to understand just as you but just find it difficult to respond verbally.
  • Take time to listen
    This is key to effective communication with persons with developmental disabilities, an especially important skill when interacting with anyone on the autism spectrum. If you don’t understand what they’re saying, ask more questions.
  • Wait for a response
    Every time you ask, wait for the response. Never immediately assume that they haven’t understood or heard you. They may need just a little time to absorb and process the information before they can answer you.
  • Be straightforward
    Always say what you mean—clearly, literally, and concisely. Avoid using sarcasm, nuance, or slang as these forms of communication can be confusing to those with ASD.

Apex Human Services, LLC provides behavioral health services in Pennsylvania. For more tips about caring for persons with developmental, behavioral, and intellectual disabilities, reach us today!

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