Some Early Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder


Autism Spectrum Disorder is one of the most common developmental disabilities affecting children. Depending on the severity of the disability, many children with ASD may need assistance at home, like home care services, to promote self-sufficiency, independence, and comfort.

We offer home healthcare in Pennsylvania for children and adults who need assistance at home, and here are some early signs of autism you may not have known about:

  • Obsessive Interests

    Many children with autism have obsessive behavior, rituals, and routines that may seem unusual to some adults. These practices help children with autism cope with stress and feel more comfortable with their surroundings. Intellectual disability services can help these children cope with stress and express themselves, helping them rely less on these behaviors and rituals to deal with stress.

  • Avoids Eye Contact

    Social interaction and communication can be stressful and challenging for children with ASD. When children feel uncomfortable conversing or socializing, they avoid eye contact or do not respond appropriately to verbal communication.

  • Delayed Developmental Milestones

    Telltale signs of autism in children are delays in their developmental milestones. Notable examples include delays in language skills, movement skills, and learning/cognitive skills.

Our skilled nurses in Pennsylvania can assist seniors and children with developmental disabilities in the comfort of their own homes. Call Apex Human Services, LLC at 484-469-3787 for more information.

Services you could expect from us include respite care, companionship services, and other nursing and health Services in Yeadon, Pennsylvania.

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