Loneliness among Seniors and Persons with Disabilities


Being lonely is, more or less, a normal human emotion. It commonly happens when our need for socialization exceeds the actual socialization we are getting. While it happens to everybody, it is prevalent among seniors and persons with physical or developmental disabilities.

As a provider of behavioral health services in Pennsylvania, we are passionate about making life easier for people who need assistance. As part of that passion, we want to shed light on loneliness and how it affects those who are going through disabilities.

This intense loneliness can stem from the fact that their medical conditions are hindering them from interacting with other people. With limited mobility, many find it hard to leave their living spaces, which leads to social isolation.

This intense loneliness is a serious threat to their mental wellness. We all need social interaction to stay mentally fit. Our interactions with our friends and loved ones naturally make us happy, which makes it easier for us to relieve stress.

Prolonged and unaddressed loneliness can put people at a higher risk of suffering more serious mental issues. Ultimately, this will negatively affect the way they live and their social relationships with those around them.

For this reason, every family member and caretaker should always give prime importance to the socialization of their loved ones.

Let us help you and your loved ones get the quality care you deserve with us here at Apex Human Services, LLC. We provide various services for healthcare in Yeadon, Pennsylvania, and are keen on ensuring your needs. Call us today for more information about our services.

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