Guidelines for Assisting Someone with Personal Hygiene


Maintaining proper personal care is essential for all people, regardless of age. Every person must observe proper hygiene at all times. It isn’t only about grooming oneself to look presentable. It’s important to keep in mind that personal hygiene is a great protective measure against illnesses and diseases. Some would even hire companion services to get assistance with personal care.

Getting assistance from skilled nurses in Pennsylvania is beneficial for patients, especially for those who have limited mobility. We must consider the fact that their condition leaves them at greater risk for accidents and health complications. That is why they need assistance in doing activities of daily living. Letting physically challenged patients do things on their own is risky for their safety and well-being.

Mobility-impaired patients must receive high-quality home healthcare in Pennsylvania to help them stay healthy in the comfort of their abodes. The good news is health professionals aren’t the only people they can rely on. Patients can also count on their loved ones for assistance with personal care and other daily routines.

If you have to assist someone else with personal hygiene, be sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Let the patient feel comfortable.

  • Choose quality continence care supplies.

  • Check the water temperature beforehand.

  • Prepare clothing that can be used as a cover-up.

  • Make sure that the bathroom floor isn’t slippery.

Avoid awkward moments by following the above-mentioned tips!

Apex Human Services, LLC provides top-notch nursing and health services in Yeadon, Pennsylvania and will help you and your loved ones achieve stress-free lives at home.

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